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Webinars–Learn & Grow

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What To Do When It's Time To Leave

Becoming dependent

What To Do When It's Time To Leave

Reorganize? Pack up and Go? How?

Join Retirement Coach Ed Zinkiewicz and Financial Advisor Bryan De Cuir as they talk with three experts about downsizing alternatives for older adults. Just what will you do when where you live no longer works for you?

Where Will You Go Next?

Becoming dependent

Where Will You Go Next?

Do you know what your options are?

Just where will you go when where you live no longer works for you? Join Retirement Coach Ed Zinkiewicz and Financial Advisor Bryan De Cuir as they talk with three experts about location alternatives for older adults.

Is It Time To Give Up Those Keys?

Becoming dependent

Is It Time To Give Up Those Keys?

Have you built a network to give you life-long mobility?

Join Retirement Coach Ed Zinkiewicz and Financial Advisor Bryan De Cuir as they interview 3 experts about transportation alternatives for older adults. Just what will you do when you have to give up the car keys for good?

Looking Back, Looking Forward: The Importance of Reflection


Looking Back, Looking Forward: The Importance of Reflection

Stimulate learning, increase awareness, personal growth, and more.

Join retirement coach Ed Zinkiewicz and financial advisor Bryan De Cuir as they host best-selling author and trainer Susan Ragsdale in a workshop on reflection. As we age, we have a choices. We can grow or not. We can meet the challenges or surrender. We can be crushed by change or decide which way we’ll go. Reflection makes the difference. How?

What's Next

What's Next

What's Next

4 Strategies of coping with losing our independence

It’s easy to assume that our retired parents or friends are off having a great time. But you and I know that a good time is not the only scheduled activity ahead. There will come a time when they will slow down. These slower periods often involve disheartening and challenging changes. Do you know what those changes are? Wouldn’t it be important to find out? This webinar was held February 26, 2022 with retirement coach Ed  Zinkiewicz and financial advisor Bryan De Cuir. Watch for the coming video release.

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