How do you like doing all those exercises? I have a tip for you. Do the exercises or hurt.
My wife’s cousin Carolyn shared a caution with us some years ago that I thought worth passing on. Here, I’ll read her email:
"I can stretch and workout or I can hurt." I know this. I've known it for twenty years. Yesterday I skipped it as I attempted to make every minute count, working on several projects. Sunday: nearly pain free. Yesterday: Tin Woodsman needing oil can. Today: wall-to-wall pain. Lesson: "I can stretch and workout or I can hurt." My choice.
These days I’m taking those words to heart. I like sitting at my desk writing these scripts, but if that’s all I do, I pay the same price Carolyn paid.
And I have to be intentional about exercising. I’m no good at doing it out of habit. I have to pack my work-out clothes the night before, put the gym shoes on first thing, and go to the gym before doing much of anything else.
If I do that, I can keep relatively limber and not hurt. Forget to do that and I turn into the Tin Woodsman.
What do you do to get up and out? I’d love to hear. Jot me an email or make a comment below.
Ed Zinkiewicz
...the retired guy
p.s. Please click the little red heart below this post.
Do you really want the basics? Try these:
Say Goodbye to That Couch: 3 Venues Where Exercise Can Make a Difference
3 Key Ingredients to Get Exercise Started With Less Pain and Little Motivation
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