Get the Most From the Rest of Your Life
Retirement Kickstart
What do retirees do all day?

What's Next
It’s easy to assume that our retired parents or friends are off having a great time. But you and I know that a good time is not the only scheduled activity ahead. There will come a time when they will slow down. These slower periods often involve disheartening and challenging changes. Do you know what those changes are? Wouldn’t it be important to find out? This webinar was held February 26, 2022 with retirement coach Ed Zinkiewicz and financial advisor Bryan De Cuir. Watch for the coming video release.
What Our Customers Say
View Ed's Intro Videos
Most of us are wise enough to prepare for retirement financially, but Ed asks and helps us answer other essential questions such as are we prepared mentally and emotionally for retirement; have we thought beyond that first month, year or even five years of retirement. Ed will provide thought provoking questions, guidelines and practical exercises to help get you prepared.
"Ed is THE person for coaching you through the transition from worklife to retirement. He is a wealth of knowledge for all things retirement, including personal and professional relationships, physical and mental health, activity, etc."
Consulting with Ed helped me think through the challenges and joys of retirement. I am now aware of the wide variety of volunteer opportunities and can choose the ones that suit me best. It is also great to begin retirement with a plan in place.
Ed has done an excellent job putting together a great retirement coaching/counseling program. His presentations, exercises, and our conversations have provided a great reflection opportunity. I got to focus on where I am currently in life related to work and where I am going from here. I have gained knowledge, support, and direction for what I need to do as I get older.
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"I can help you find purpose, make friends, keep active, and meet the challenges of aging. You don't have to do everything on your own!"